“We The People” at Friendly Design

         Friendly Design is mainly the online portfolio of Andrei Chioibasu and his partners. This portfolio was created to familiarize its visitors with the work of Friendly Design. We hope that it will inspire you to reach out and get in touch, whether to commission work, collaborate, offer a compliment, or even to invite us out to dinner! Our goal is always to create lasting impressions, wowing our audience so that they will remember us forever.

The Friendly Design Portfolio

The work featured in this portfolio was chosen to highlight various skills we’ve developed over the years. Some of the designs were chosen simply because we like the design or we feel the piece demonstrates our range. This portfolio was carefully crafted to represent the various skills and combined experience that the Friendly Design crew has gained working in design. It includes pieces that have demanded the most of our skills as well as a few of our personal favorites.

The designs herein are the product of intimate collaboration between Friendly Design and those who have commissioned our work.  We excel at assisting businesses create and affirm their brand. In some instances our designers have taken great inspiration from other artists who they consider pioneers in their field. Richard Harding Davis once said, “The secret of good writing is to say an old thing in a new way or to say a new thing in an old way.” The same could easily be said for design.

Individual commitment to a group effort – that is  what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.

Pandia Badge 7


Senior Designer, Digital Typography Developer

He is an artist graphic designer skilled in multiple computer design applications such as Photoshop, Adobe Ilustrator, Corel Draw and others. Check his work HERE

WordPress specialist. Bachelors, Computer science and engineering

Over 15 years, I have developed many web applications using WordPress, HTML, DHTML, PHP, MYSQL etc.

Professional Photographer in Michigan, Westland

“I see the beauty in people and I know that God created you a masterpiece. I believe that giving the chance to be yourself, you are transforming my work in art. Capturing memories and beauty today, gives me the chance to make a difference tomorrow. I love high quality life and meaningful relationships.


Friendly Design